Tales of Alethrion Lore
Long ago, a group of mysterious creatures who loved to create and invent through magic came to the land. They were called gods and they did not age. They created this world and were proud of it until one day a god named Humun created an intelligent creature capable of creating things, called humans. The gods were amazed and even jealous of his creation, then wanting to create their own creatures. They competed with their creations, but the gods that lacked the skills instead destroyed the other gods’ beings. This resulted in a world of chaos. Monsters 20 feet tall, lands of thunder, earthquakes, and overpowered magical weapons started to fill the land.
The gods suddenly stopped and saw what they had done to the beautiful land. They stopped their creations and were unsure of how to clean up their mess. They blamed Humun for all of this. He was banished far underneath the Earth to a prison at the bottom of the Slit where he could no longer make any mistakes. The other gods fled north to Tolkan living in isolation from the horror they have created. They got lazy and sophisticated, creating the Mirror of Truth to remind them how awesome they were for creating this world in the first place.
The land outside the gods was being destroyed. The humans needed help and the gods were no where to be found. But the humans were actually glad the gods left, as the madness could finally end. As a result of this, the Age of Heroes began.
Alethrion was the first of the heroes. He was frustrated at the god, Kahltofal, for destroying his hometown of Kivid. This god did not isolate himself like the others. He was the creator of deserts and started fresh with clean land wherever he went. Alethrion killed him in an epic battle, thus giving Alethrion his powers. The surviving townspeople rewarded him with fame and gold since he saved their lives, he then moved from the desert searching for more. The gnomes of Dunbar created Alethrion’s Chest of Holding as a gift of gratitude, which can hold an infinite amount of treasure without getting heavier.
The desert was named after Kahltofal, but over time changed to Kartoffal. Not many know what’s on the other side of Kartoffal, the desert is so big it splits the lands of Alethrion and another land called Epicon apart. It is said that the desert is magically alive and can take you to wherever it pleases. Only the gnomes of Kartoffal know how to deal with the desert and get to the other side safely.
Alethrion later met Amerath and they fell in love. The map was created and they had fun together, but Alethrion’s Greed took over and manifested into an evil entity. After an epic battle the Greed was trapped in his chest and stays there upon Alethrion’s dead corpse. Meanwhile, Amerath inherited her own powers from a Ruden and saw a premonition of the strongest heroes falling if the chest was ever opened. She starts the Ever Watching Eye’s guild in order to begin preparations for a counterattack.
After the death of Alethrion, the map is sent all across the world. It flies to Bruhn, which he dropped and is picked up by Vito and Wilhelm, which they gave to Mik and Ken. After being captured by Sylvia and Tatiana, Vito and Wilhelm tell them that the boys now carry the map. They find them and Tatiana takes the map and flees to Arist to give it to the golden dragon, Wyrmoose.